Results for 'Gabriel de Foigny'

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  1.  16
    Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel Racault (review).Andrew Cremer - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (1):168-171.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens ed. by Jean-Michel RacaultAndrew CremerJean-Michel Racault, ed. Trois récits utopiques classiques: Gabriel de Foigny, La Terre Australe connue; Denis Veiras, Histoire des Sévarambes; Bernard de Fontenelle, Histoire des Ajaoïens. Saint-Denis (La Réunion): Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques. 2020. 539 pp., illus. Paperback, €16. ISBN: (...)
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    Interdisciplinaridade, totalidade e a construção do conhecimento em artigos das áreas de Educação e Ensino.Gabriele de Sousa Lins Mutti - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1623-1658.
    Interdisciplinaridade, totalidade e a construção do conhecimento em artigos das áreas de Educação e Ensino Resumo: Neste artigo interrogamos: O que se mostra sobre a interdisciplinaridade e totalidade, tomadas sob a ótica do materialismo dialético, nos artigos de periódicos das áreas de Educação e Ensino, disponibilizados no Google acadêmico? Por meio da análise de conteúdo realizada em 27 pesquisas. Os resultados revelaram que ainda que não exista na literatura uma concepção única do que vem a ser a interdisciplinaridade, há entre (...)
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    Averiguando os caminhos da psicoterapia domiciliar.Gabriele Serur, Eleonora Apolo de Azevedo & Renate Brigitte Michel - 2020 - Aletheia 53 (2).
    A psicoterapia domiciliar é uma prática pouco conhecida que, entretanto, adquire importância junto a pacientes com dificuldade de locomoção ou com presença de patologias que dificultem o acesso à hospitais/ clínicas. Tendo em vista a escassez de estudos sobre o tema, este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa exploratória sobre o atendimento psicológico domiciliar, realizado com 21 psicólogos da cidade de Curitiba (PR). O objetivo foi identificar o tipo de clientela atendida, quais as abordagens e quais as principais vantagens (...)
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  4. Realismo metafisico e rappresentazione mentale: Un’indagine tra Tommaso d’Aquino e Hilary Putnam.Gabriele De Anna - 2001
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    The Simple View of Colours and the Reference of Perceptual Terms.Gabriele De Anna - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (299):87 - 108.
    This essay deals with the problem of the status of colours, traditionally considered as the paradigmatic case of secondary qualities: do colours exist only as aspects of experience or are they real properties of objects, existing independently of human and animal perception? Recently, John Campbell has argued in favour of the simple view of colours, according to which colours are real properties of objects. I discuss the place of Campbell's position in a debated which was started by John Mackie and (...)
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    Increasing the efficiency of automated theorem proving.Gabriel Aguilera, Inma P. de Guzmán & Manuel Ojeda - 1995 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 5 (1):9-29.
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    Sonido Ritual, Campo de Fuerza y Espacialidad Existencial: Una Estética no Musicológica de los Bailes Chinos.Gabriel Castillo Fadic, Patricio de la Cuadra, Benoít Fabre & François Blanc - 2010 - Aisthesis 48:157-175.
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  8. Anxiety, Stress-Related Factors, and Blood Pressure in Young Adults.Nicola Mucci, Gabriele Giorgi, Stefano De Pasquale Ceratti, Javier Fiz-Pérez, Federico Mucci & Giulio Arcangeli - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A note on the expressive power of probabilistic context free grammars.Gabriel Infante-Lopez & Maarten De Rijke - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):219-231.
    We examine the expressive power of probabilistic context free grammars (PCFGs), with a special focus on the use of probabilities as a mechanism for reducing ambiguity by filtering out unwanted parses. Probabilities in PCFGs induce an ordering relation among the set of trees that yield a given input sentence. PCFG parsers return the trees bearing the maximum probability for a given sentence, discarding all other possible trees. This mechanism is naturally viewed as a way of defining a new class of (...)
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    (1 other version)Position et approches concrètes du mystère ontologique.Gabriel Marcel & Marcel de Corte - 1949 - Louvain,: E. Nauwelaerts. Edited by Marcel de Corte.
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    Informing Public Perceptions About Climate Change: A ‘Mental Models’ Approach.Gabrielle Wong-Parodi & Wändi Bruine de Bruin - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1369-1386.
    As the specter of climate change looms on the horizon, people will face complex decisions about whether to support climate change policies and how to cope with climate change impacts on their lives. Without some grasp of the relevant science, they may find it hard to make informed decisions. Climate experts therefore face the ethical need to effectively communicate to non-expert audiences. Unfortunately, climate experts may inadvertently violate the maxims of effective communication, which require sharing communications that are truthful, brief, (...)
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    Transferring Non-Responsibility.Pedro Merlussi & Gabriel de Andrade Maruchi - 2019 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 18 (3):285–298.
    The Direct Argument argues for the claim that determinism and moral responsibility are incompatible. The most controversial assumption of the argument is the thought that "not being responsible for" transfers across conditionals: if no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that p is true, and no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that p ⸧ q is true, then no one is (even partially) morally responsible for the fact that q is true. Here we (...)
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  13. A semantics of face emoji in discourse.Patrick Georg Grosz, Gabriel Greenberg, Christian De Leon & Elsi Kaiser - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (4):905-957.
    This paper presents an analysis of face emoji (disc-shaped pictograms with stylized facial expressions) that accompany written text. We propose that there is a use of face emoji in which they comment on a target proposition expressed by the accompanying text, as opposed to making an independent contribution to discourse. Focusing on positively valenced and negatively valenced emoji (which we gloss as _happy_ and _unhappy_, respectively), we argue that the emoji comment on how the target proposition bears on a contextually (...)
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    Verdade e interpretação: uma abordagem pareysoniana sobre questões filosóficas atuais.Renata Gabriel de Oliveira - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (113):185-190.
  15.  33
    A quaestio mihi facto sum de Agostinho e as decorrentes considerações sobre identidade em Hannah Arendt.João Francisco Gabriel de Oliveira Filho - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):94-104.
    O trabalho proposto objetiva investigar alguns pontos referentes à narração e à interioridade nas Confissões de Agostinho à luz das considerações sobre a identidade em Hannah Arendt. Ao descobrir a vida interior individual, é possível dizer que Agostinho tenha sido o fundador do romance autobiográfico. É de se notar que a “questão que me tornei para mim mesmo”, retirada das Confissões, esse tipo de rememoração e autorreflexão religiosa, parece insolúvel tanto em seu sentido psicológico individual como em seu sentido filosófico (...)
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    Observações sobre a natureza (physis) em Heidegger.Gabriel De Almeida De Barros - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    O presente artigo pretende discorrer sobre o conceito de natureza possibilitado pela ontologia de Heidegger, que busca no pensamento grego seu sentido mais originário, e a crítica do filósofo ao conceito proporcionado pela metafísica clássica que teria provocado distopias na relação entre o homem e a natureza ao objetivá-la. Tal relação de domínio, além de evidenciar a necessidade de uma reflexão sobre o antropocentrismo, também e, por consequência disso, desvela-se através da crise ambiental vivida hoje por nós. Dessa forma, Heidegger (...)
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    O terceiro mundo como um problema filosófico.Gabriel Almeida Assumpção - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 8 (2):239-265.
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  18. Présence et immortalité.Gabriel Marcel - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (3):387-388.
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    Cognitive colonialism: Nationality bias in Brazilian academic philosophy.Murilo Rocha Seabra, Luke Prendergast, Gabriel Silveira de Andrade Antunes & Laura Tolton - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (1):106-118.
    This paper presents the results of an experiment designed to test for nationality bias among members of the Brazilian philosophical community. Faculty members and postgraduate students from philosophy departments at seven Brazilian universities evaluated texts attributed to authors of European and Latin American nationalities. Results showed a clear preference for French nationality over Brazilian. They were inconclusive, however, when contrasting other Latin American nationalities with European nationalities, which likely relates to the academic background of the participants. These overall results support (...)
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  20.  12
    Definitionen und Interessen.Gottfried Gabriel - 1972 - [Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt]: Frommann-Holzboog.
  21.  36
    Erkenntnis.Gottfried Gabriel - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The study aims at expanding the idea of knowledge beyond the notion of descriptive knowledge. It examines a pluralism of scientific, philosophical, literary, and aesthetic forms of knowledge. This pluralism is not relativistic but complementary. Different ways of knowing enrich each other thus facilitating a more comprehensive and differentiated conception of the world.".
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  22. L'être devant la pensée interrogative: Exposé.Gabriel Marcel - 1958 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 52 (1).
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  23. Les hommes contre l'humain, coll., « Philosophie européenne ».Gabriel Marcel - 1993 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 183 (2):466-467.
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    Situação da Filosofia em França.Gabriel Marcel - 1947 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 3 (1):73 - 75.
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  25. La Concepción de la metafísica.En Gabriel Marcel - 1994 - Sapientia 191:273.
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    Enzyklopädie Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie.Gottfried Gabriel, Martin Carrier & Jürgen Mittelstrass (eds.) - 2005 - Metzler.
    Bd. 1. A-B -- Bd. 2. C-F -- Bd. 3. G-Inn -- Bd. 4. Ins-Loc.
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    Journal métaphysique.Gabriel Marcel - 1927 - Paris,: Gallimard.
    Le 'Journal métaphysique', qui, primitivement, n'était pas destiné à la publication, est constitué par un ensemble de notes philosophiques rédigées au jour le jour. L'évidente différence de style entre les deux parties tient au fait que sous la pression de la guerre la pensée de l'auteur s'est tournée de plus en plus résolument vers le concret, vers l'existentiel, qui a trouvé dans le Journal métaphysique une des premières expressions qu'il ait revêtues en France. Il ne faut d'ailleurs pas parler de (...)
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    Oeuvres de Gabriel Tarde: 2e série.Gabriel de Tarde - 1999 - Paris: Seuil. Edited by Thierry Martin & Eric Alliez.
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  29. En torno a la interpretación categorial de Enrique Dussel sobre Karl Marx.Esteban Gabriel Sánchez - 2019 - In Lértora Mendoza, Celina Ana & María Victoria Santarsola (eds.), Filosofía argentina reciente: nuevos enfoques historiográficos. Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
  30.  38
    (1 other version)Sobre uma Existentiel-Videnskab: o conceito de Inter-Esse no Pós-Escrito.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2011 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 2 (4):85-101.
    In an entry of Papirer, located between the years 1842-1843 (IV C 100), entitled "On the concepts of Esse and Inter-Esse," Kierkegaard makes a fundamental methodological assertion: the various sciences should be ordered and built through the accent put on being (Vaeren - Esse). Thus, the ontology and mathematics, because they develop from a ground of elemental unity between thought and being, are a particular kind of science with epistemological well-defined characteristics. However, as Kierkegaard shows in Postscript, the same plea (...)
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    Zum Erkenntniswert der Begriffs- und Metapherngeschichte.Gottfried Gabriel - 2020 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 62:7-12.
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    Die avantgardistische Kritik von ‚Sankt Max‘an der Philosophie von Marx.Gabriel Galiano - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (1):57-80.
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    (1 other version)Gabriel Marcel’s Body-As-A-Subject: A Preeminently Postmodern Notion.Guillemine de Lacoste - 1995 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 7 (1-2):69-82.
  34.  23
    Le néoexistentialisme: penser l'esprit humain après l'échec du naturalisme.Markus Gabriel - 2019 - [Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval. Edited by Charles Taylor, Jocelyn Benoist, Andrea Kern & Jocelyn Maclure.
    Dans ce livre très original, Markus Gabriel avance une théorie du soi humain qui surmonte les blocages inhérents aux positions standards en philosophie de l'esprit contemporaine. Son point de vue, le néo-existentialisme, est intégralement antinaturaliste, en ce sens qu'il rejette toute théorie selon laquelle l'ensemble de nos meilleures connaissances scientifiques naturelles serait pleinement capable de rendre compte de l'esprit humain. L'auteur montre plutôt que l'esprit humain consiste en une prolifération ouverte de vocabulaires mentalistes. Leur rôle dans la forme de (...)
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  35. Violência rural e bandoleirismo na Patagônia.Gabriel Rafart - 2011 - Topoi: Revista de História 12 (22):118-136.
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    Spiritual medicine in Gregory o/Nyssa, contributions to the challenges of an outgoing church.Gabriel Jaramillo, Orlando Solano & Alejandro Nicola - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43:107-132.
    Resumen En el presente artículo se abordará la medicina espiritual de San Gregorio de Nisa como un aporte para los retos de una Iglesia en salida. Para ello se partirá de una aproximación a la Iglesia en salida misionera, para luego abordar al Niseno y examinar en sus textos la importancia de la medicina en su reflexión especulativa, mística y pastoral, así como para la comprensión de su quehacer teológico como medicina espiritual. Finalmente, se recogerán algunos aportes para los desafíos (...)
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  37. Maio-junho julho-agosto ano XIII—n. 3—vol. 17 sumário heraldo barbuy—breve lem-brança de Gabriel marcei.Ubiratan de Macedo—O. - 1975 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 18:2.
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    Aspectos del Yoga en la India Antigua: historia, textos y prácticas.Gabriel Martino - 2014 - Dissertation, Universidad de Buenos Aires
    En el último mes los practicantes de yoga que habitan la ciudad de Washington se han enfrentado con una situación que pone sobre el tapete la definición misma de su práctica. El primero de Octubre pasado, en efecto, ha entrado en vigencia una nueva legislación por la cual a los establecimientos cuya finalidad es el ejercicio físico, tales como gimnasios, centros de fitness y también, de acuerdo con las autoridades impositivas, institutos de Yoga, se les cobra casi un 6% de (...)
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    A constituição de sentido como acontecimento: Heidegger e a transformação da fenomenologia.Gabriel Lago de Sousa Barroso - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (1):17-38.
    O conceito de acontecimento é um dos temas centrais do pensamento de Heidegger e oferece um fio condutor para a compreensão de sua obra. Este artigo mostra como a gênese deste conceito está diretamente relacionada à transformação da fenomenologia empreendida por Heidegger ao longo de suas primeiras preleções em Freiburg e fornece algumas indicações sobre a importância deste tópico para o desenvolvimento da ontologia fundamental em Ser e tempo. Nossa análise se divide em três partes. Em primeiro lugar, abordamos a (...)
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  40. El carácter concreto de la filosofía de Gabriel Marcel.José Luis de Souza Maranhao - 1985 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 53:197-202.
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    L'ontologie existentielle de M. Gabriel Marcel.Marcel de Corte - 1935 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 38 (48):470-500.
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    Infoética: el periodismo liberado de lo políticamente correcto.Gabriel Galdón López - 2019 - Madrid: CEU Ediciones.
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    Die Welt als konstitutiver Entzug.Markus Gabriel - 2010 - In Joachim Bromand & Guido Kreis (eds.), Was Sich Nicht Sagen Lässt: Das Nicht-Begriffliche in Wissenschaft, Kunst Und Religion. Berlin: Akademie Verlag/De Gruyter. pp. 85-100.
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    Rapport sur une mission à Mistra.Gabriel Millet - 1895 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 19 (1):268-272.
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    3. Der Weg zur subjektiven Wende der Metaphysik. Kants Denkentwicklung zwischen 1766 und 1769.Gabriel Rivero - 2014 - In Zur Bedeutung des Begriffs Ontologie Bei Kant: Eine Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 79-138.
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    The Aesthetics of Schelling’s Naturphilosophie.Gabriel Trop - 2015 - Symposium 19 (1):140-152.
    This paper investigates the implicit aesthetics of Schelling’s early Naturphilosophie. Within the framework of Naturphilosophie, Schelling naturalizes the categories of the beautiful and the sublime, making not only the purposiveness of the beautiful, but also the disorder and perturbation of the sublime into part of the internal dynamic of nature. A disequilibrium between the transcendental forces of attraction and repulsion conditions all systems of differentiation, thus giving rise to an aesthetics of production inherent within nature that moves throughout the order (...)
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    El reto de la formación ante el desarrollo de la Sociedad del Conocimiento en Europa.Jaume Pagès, Gabriel Ferraté & Josep María Duart - 2002 - Arbor 172 (678):435-447.
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    Carnap und Heidegger. Zum Verhaltnis von analytischer und kontinentaler Philosophie.Gottfried Gabriel - 2000 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (3):487-498.
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  49. Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Contextual Nature of Hors de Combat Status.Steven Umbrello & Nathan Gabriel Wood - 2021 - Information 12 (5):216.
    Autonomous weapons systems (AWS), sometimes referred to as “killer robots”, are receiving evermore attention, both in public discourse as well as by scholars and policymakers. Much of this interest is connected with emerging ethical and legal problems linked to increasing autonomy in weapons systems, but there is a general underappreciation for the ways in which existing law might impact on these new technologies. In this paper, we argue that as AWS become more sophisticated and increasingly more capable than flesh-and-blood soldiers, (...)
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  50. Problemas contemporáneos en la filosofía de la bioquímica.Gabriel Felipe Vallejos Baccelliere - 2022 - Culturas Cientificas 3 (1):45-77.
    Si bien en la filosofía de las ciencias ya se han explorado algunos ejemplos provenientes de la bioquímica como casos de estudio, la filosofía de la bioquímica es una subdisciplina naciente. En este artículo estudiaremos dos problemas filosóficos de relevancia contemporánea en esta ciencia. Por un lado, examinaremos las bases epistemológicas del problema del plegamiento de proteínas. En particular lo relacionado con la predicción de la estructura tridimensional de las proteínas a partir de su secuencia, asunto que ha dado mucho (...)
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